"Rapunzel's Revenge" by Shannon and Dean Hale is based off the famous fairy tale, Rapunzel. Rapunzel finds out the woman she believed to be her mother, Mother Gothel, is actually an evil dictator who controls the growth of all vegetation for miles and miles. Rapunzel was stolen from her real parents as a young girl and her mother forced to work in the mines. Once Rapunzel finds out the truth, Mother Gothel locks her in the top of a tall tree tower. Rapunzel's Revenge follows Rapunzel as she fights for her freedom, her mother's freedom, and the freedom of all those who live under Mother Gothel's evil rule.
The Hale's are from Utah and people here love them, so I had heard a lot of hype about this book. I think it lived up to the hype. The Hale's dialogue is snappy and funny, and I appreciated that the story was clear cut and coherent. I have read some graphic novels where the storyline seemed convoluted and secondary to the pictures. Not the case with Rapunzel's Revenge, and Nathan Hale does a terrific job with the illustrations. Also, Rapunzel is such a great heroine. She doesn't rely on others to save her, she saves herself. She is kind, honest, and loyal. And funny! I also loved Rapunzel's sidekick, Jack, of Jack and the Beanstalk fame. The camaraderie that grows between Jack and Rapunzel is pretty terrific, and Rapunzel's pluck and moral courage bring out the best in Jack. Fun read for both boys and girls. Here is a creative book trailer created by Gaijr.
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