"Journey to the Center of the Earth", originally written by Jules Verne, was retold by Davis Miller and Katherine Brevard. Otto, Axel and Hans embark on a journey to the center of the earth, following the path of one Arne Saknussemm. They find the entrance to the cave and begin a trek downward. They encounter several challenges including no water, large (thought to be extinct) predatory animals, Amazing cyclones, lightning storms, and 10 foot prehistoric cattle-herding men just to name a few. They travel hundreds of miles to finally be launched out of a volcano 300 miles away from the volcano they started in.
I was interested in seeing how well this book would be retold in graphic novel form. The story was engaging and exciting, but it was told in a very rushed manner. There were no smooth transitions between finding out how to journey to the center of the earth and then journeying there. The book almost seemed composed of mini stories placed end to end and tied together with a string. I believe the most serious flaw of many graphic novels is the idea that the pictures tell what the words don't. Unfortunately, this book feels like something is missing in every stage of the story. Even though I didn't really enjoy this retelling, it is very possible that the exciting pictures and quick progression of the story could get some otherwise uninterested tweens excited about a literary classic.
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