"Silverfin: A James Bond Adventure" by Charlie Higson and Kev Walker tells the story of a teenage James Bond. After his parents are killed in a tragic mountain climbing accident, James is adopted by his loving aunt and uncle. He is sent off to school in England where he quickly becomes enemies with Randolf Hellebore. James and Randolf compete bitterly in school athletic competitions where James publicly humiliates Randolf. James then leaves for Scotland to spend time with his dying uncle. On the train he meets a boy named Red who is going to investigate the death of his cousin in the same town of James' relatives. It turns out Randolf lives in the same town in a castle on the loch. James and Red suspect the loch has something strange going on and they sneak into the castle to discover that Mr. Hellebore, Randolf's father, is trying to create genetically enhanced humans but is just making monsters out of people. James and Randolf team up to destroy the lab.
Silverfin had an exciting story that was filled with twists and turns throughout. The story was well told and the pictures did well to supplement the text. Many of the events of the book seemed forced, however, and it felt like there was just a bit too much coincidence bringing James and Randolf together. It seemed that whenever they wanted to get away from each other fate brought them to the same getaway. The character development, however, was exciting as Randolf came around to realize the villainy of his father. Overall, Silverfin was pretty entertaining.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Bond, James Bond.
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